Unveiling the Transformative Journey of Carolyn from Reiki and Resonance: A MysticMag Interview:

Carolyn Ruutelmann’s interview with MysticMag.com

Unveiling the Transformative Journey of Carolyn from Reiki and Resonance: A MysticMag Interview:

In a recent interview with MysticMag, Carolyn, the founder of Reiki and Resonance, shared her profound journey from battling health challenges to discovering the potent healing powers of Reiki and sound therapy.

Carolyn's narrative encapsulates a testament to the transformative potential of alternative healing modalities in navigating personal struggles and fostering holistic well-being.

Carolyn's fascination with Reiki and sound therapy was ignited during a pivotal conference encounter with Crystal Bowls in 2017, prompting her to establish her own Sound Therapy practice. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, she embarked on a journey of exploration into Reiki, initially unfamiliar territory that eventually evolved into a profound passion. Motivated by her own healing odyssey, which traversed through various alternative healing methods, Carolyn attained certification as a Level II Reiki practitioner, delving deeper into the realms of energy healing.

Subsequently, Carolyn's quest for holistic healing led her to the realm of Antojai Quantum Reiki, a modality intertwined with Quantum Physics. Fueled by her disillusionment with conventional medicine's reliance on pharmaceutical solutions, she found solace in alternative healing practices that addressed the root causes rather than mere symptoms.

Resonance emerges as a cornerstone of Carolyn's practice, elucidating the intricate process wherein higher frequency objects uplift the vibrational resonance of lower frequency counterparts. Leveraging an array of instruments such as crystal bowls, gongs, chimes, and drums, alongside Reiki, Carolyn orchestrates a harmonious symphony of healing frequencies to facilitate profound transformations.

Central to Carolyn's approach is the art of customization, wherein she intuitively tailors treatments to suit the unique needs and preferences of individual clients. Drawing upon her background in social work, Carolyn embodies empathy and understanding, fostering a safe and nurturing environment for clients to embark on their healing journeys without judgment.

Antojai Quantum Reiki emerges as a beacon of innovation, transcending traditional Reiki practices by harnessing the boundless energy of the quantum field to transmute negative energies. Expanding beyond the conventional 7-chakra system, this modality delves into the depths of the subconscious, addressing unresolved traumas and facilitating profound healing at the soul level.

Carolyn's journey epitomizes the transformative potential inherent within alternative healing modalities, illuminating a path towards holistic well-being and self-discovery. Through Reiki and sound therapy, she extends a guiding hand to those seeking to embark on their own transformative odyssey towards healing and self-realization. She offers services at the Radiant Life Studio weekly.

Read the full article Here: https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/carolyn-interview/

"Unlocking Fertility: A Functional Medicine Perspective" by Dr. Sarah Hung, ND

"Unlocking Fertility: A Functional Medicine Perspective" by Dr. Sarah Hung, ND

If you have been trying to conceive for more than a year if you are under 35 or for more than 6 months if you are over 35, getting some testing may be helpful to help determine any causes of infertility and therefore give you the tools and resources needed to address them. Below is a brief description of the types of testing, both diagnostic imaging and blood work that can help support your fertility journey:

Embracing a Healthier You in the New Year: Resolutions for Wellness

As the calendar turns to a new year, it's a perfect time to set intentions for a healthier and more vibrant life. Consider making resolutions that prioritize your well-being and elevate your overall health.

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Here are a few ideas to kickstart your journey:

  1. Prioritize Mental Health: Make mental wellness a priority. Incorporate mindfulness practices, meditation, or even daily affirmations to foster a positive mindset.

  2. Establish a Fitness Routine: Commit to regular physical activity that brings you joy. Whether it's yoga, jogging, or dance, find a routine that suits your preferences and keeps you moving.

  3. Nourish Your Body: Focus on a balanced and nutritious diet. Explore new healthy recipes and incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole foods into your meals.

  4. Hydration Matters: Don't forget the importance of staying hydrated. Make it a goal to drink an adequate amount of water each day to support overall health and vitality.

  5. Quality Sleep: Prioritize restful sleep. Create a bedtime routine, limit screen time before sleep, and ensure you're getting the recommended amount of rest each night.

  6. Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors. Whether it's a daily walk, hike, or simply enjoying the fresh air, connecting with nature can positively impact your well-being.

  7. Embrace Stress Reduction Techniques: Explore stress-relief methods such as deep breathing, journaling, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy. Managing stress is crucial for overall health. Services like reiki, massage, sound healing, craniosacral therapy, breathwork coaching, yoga, or mindfulness techniques all can help to reduce stress in the body and central nervous system, and promote the body’s own ability to heal!

  8. Cultivate Healthy Relationships: Foster positive connections with friends and family. Surround yourself with a supportive community to enhance your emotional well-being.

  9. Regular Check-ups: Prioritize preventive health by scheduling regular check-ups and screenings. Early detection and prevention are key components of a wellness-focused lifestyle.

  10. Learn Something New: Challenge your mind by acquiring a new skill or hobby. Continuous learning not only keeps your brain active but also adds a sense of accomplishment.

Remember, your health and wellness journey is unique to you. Start small, be consistent, and celebrate your achievements along the way. Here's to a year filled with positivity, growth, and a healthier you!"

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